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Earlier this week, on August 16th, George W. Bush was in Lancaster, PA speaking at a fundraising dinner for Lynn Swann, Republican Gubernatorial candidate. As part of the nationwide Declaration of Peace campaign during the summer recess period to bring the demand for a congressionally established peace plan in Iraq by September 21, International Peace, Day, On August 16, in Philadelphia, PA, the Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge For an End to the U.S. War and Occupation in Iraq was brought to the Phila. offices of Pennsylvania's two Senators and to the offices of each of the Phila. Area members of House of Representatives. 

During the AM hours, Declaration of Peace delegations visited the offices of Representatives Chaka Fattah (http://www.sauvessanges.com/specialDOPdeliveryatFattah.html), Allyson Schwartz, Robert Brady, and Curt Weldon delivering and the imploring their congressional representatives to take Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge. At noon, the day's Declaration of Peace Walk and "Special Delivery" of the Congressional Pledge commenced with a gathering at the west side of Phila. City Hall - banners, leaflets, music, poetry, and speeches about the Declaration of Peace and uplifting the example of Iraq war resistance being provided by Lt. Ehren Watada, the first officer to refuse deployment to Iraq. (read the speech)

The Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge was read and then delivered, as part of the bell-intoned Declaration of Peace Walk through center city Philadelphia.  The first stop on the walk was at the Widener Building, where a DoP delegation delivered a enlarged copy of the Congressional Pledge to the 9th floor office of Senator Rick Santorum.  "Special Delivery" completed, the walk continued in the street to the Phila. Federal Building, where another Declaration of Peace delegation delivered the Congressional Pledge to the Philadelphia office of Senator Arlen Senator.  Both Republican Senators Santorum and Specter are two of the highest ranking  members of the Senate.  In the week before the "Special Deliveries" of the Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge, contact was made with aides to the Congresspeople and Senators, familiarizing them with the DoP Congressional Pledge, our plans for delivery, and imploring them to convey the life and death urgency of peace for taking the DoP pledge. 

And now, the Declaration of Peace campaign needs your voice in a flood of calls and e-mails.   We are asking people to phone and e- mail your Senators and Congresspeople, imploring them to take the Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge.  

Representative Robert Brady, D, 1st, PA
http://www.house.gov/robertbrady  215-389-4627

Rep. Chaka Fattah, D, 2nd, PA
http://www.house.gov/fattah   215-387-6404

Rep. Allyson Schwartz, D, 13th, PA 
http://schwartz.house.gov    215-335-3355

Rep. Curt Weldon, R, 7th, PA
http://curtweldon.house.gov    610-259-0700 

Senator Rick Santorum, R, PA 
http://santorum.senate.gov     215-864-6900 

Senator Arlen Specter, R, PA
http://specter.senate.gov  215-597-7200

(e-mail messages to your senators and representatives can be sent directly from their web site home pages)

Declaration of Peace Congressional Pledge For an End to the US War and Occupation in Iraq